reStructuredText primer

2023-04-10 17:46


0. abstract

reStructuredText, or reST, is designed to be a simple yet unobtrusive markup language.

1. basics

1.1. headings




1.2. inline markup

italic *text* for emphasis

boldface **text** for strong emphasis

backquote ``text`` for code samples

1.3. lists

1.3.1. bullet list

  • available signs: + - *
    • nested lists must be seperated
    • by an empty line
  • and here the parent list continues
- available signs: + - *

  - nested lists must be seperated
  - by an empty line

- and here the parent list continues

1.3.2. number list

  1. auto numbering is feasible
  2. using prefix sign '#'
#. auto numbering is feasible
#. using prefix sign '#'

1.3.3. definition list

term(up to a line)
Definition must be indented and multiple paragraphs are possible
a chemical liquid or powder for cleaning
    Definition must be indented
    and multiple paragraphs are possible

    a chemical liquid or powder for cleaning

1.3.4. fields lists

fieldname:Field Content
:fieldname: Field Content

def my_function(my_arg, my_other_arg):
    """A function just for me.

    :param my_arg: The first of my arguments.
    :param my_other_arg: The second of my arguments.

    :returns: A message (just for me, of course).

1.4. line blocks

prefix every line with | to preserve line breaks

These lines are
broken exactly like in
the source file
| These lines are
| broken exactly like in
| the source file

1.5. tables

1.5.1. grid table

For grid tables, grid cells must be painted manually.

Header row, column 1 (header rows optional)Header 2Header 3Header 4
body row 1, column 1column 2column 3column 4
body row 2...... 
| Header row, column 1   | Header 2   | Header 3 | Header 4 |
| (header rows optional) |            |          |          |
| body row 1, column 1   | column 2   | column 3 | column 4 |
| body row 2             | ...        | ...      |          |

1.5.2. simple table

ABA and B
===  ===  =======
A    B    A and B
===  ===  =======
T    F    F
F    T    F
T    T    T
F    F    F
===  ===  =======

1.7. code blocks

.. code-block:: python

    import sys

1.8. images

Alternative Text
.. image:: /path/to/image.png
       :alt: Alternative Text is useful to those who probably lose image

1.9. citation

Lorem ipsum [Ref] dolor sit amet.

[Ref]Book or article reference, URL or whatever.

1.10. table of contents

The following code automatically expands to table of contents.

.. contents::

2. advanced

2.1. math

According to Leonhard Euler, we have Euler's formula which states that for any real number x:

\begin{equation*} e^ix = cos x + i sin x \end{equation*}
.. math::

    e^ix = cos x + i sin x

Mean Squared Error Loss, or MSE Loss:

\begin{equation*} J_{MSE} = \frac{1}{N}\sum_{i=1}^N(y_i - \hat{y}_i)^2 \end{equation*}

Here inlined a famous formula: \(a^2 + b^2 = c^2\).

:math:`a^2 + b^2 = c^2`

For another instance, sigmoid function is defined as \(f(x) = \frac{1}{1+e^{-x}}\)

2.2. emacs rst-mode

Since emacs v24.3 reST support is integrated.

2.2.1 section adornment

C-c C-a C-a
My Section Title
=== C-c C-a C-a

2.2.2 move around sections


2.2.3 plain lines to lists

C-c C-l

C-c C-l C-e
C-c C-l C-b
C-c C-l TAB

2.2.4 table of contents

Present table of contents in a temporary buffer. C-c C-t

C-c C-t C-t

insert table-of-contents

C-c C-t C-i