
2023-06-14 20:35


1. Introduction

John McCarthy, 1958

designed to evolve

This introduction may seem a collection of grand and possibily meaningless claims.

1.1. New Tools

Reward: you will feel as suffocated programming in C++ as an experienced C++ programmer would feel programming in Basic.

1.2. New Techniques

extensible, reusable, rapid prototyping

1.3. A New Approach

2. Welcome to Lisp

2.1. form

interactive front-end

(+ 2 3) prefix notation

(operator argument1, argument2, ...)

2.2. evaluation

when lisp evaluates a function call like (+ 2 3)

lisp provides the quote as a way of protecting expressions from evaluation

> (quote (+ 3 5))
> '(+ 3 5)

return the singly taken argument verbatim

2.3. data

2.4. list operation

cons builds lists. If its 2nd argument is a list, a new list with the 1st argument prepended to the front.

> (cons 'a '(b c d))
(A B C D)

car gets the first element, cdr for the rest

> (car '(a b c))
> (cdr '(a b c))
(B C)

For instance, to get 3rd element

> (car (cdr (cdr '(a b c d))))
> (third '(a b c d))

2.5. truth

listp returns true, symbol t, if its argument is a list

Common Lisp predicates often have names end with p.

> (null nil) ; *null* returns true of the empty list
> (not nil) ; *not* returns true if its argument is false

(if test then [else])

> (if (listp '(a b c))
     (+ 1 2)
     (+ 5 6))

if else is omitted, it defaults to nil

> (if (listp 24)
     (+ 3 4))

Everything except for nil represents true.

> (if 24 4 5)

and and or resemble conditionals.

> (and 1 2 3) ; and

> (or 4 5) ; and or are macros

2.6. functions

> (defun sum-greater (x y z)
     (> (+ x y) z))
> (sum-greater 1 4 3)

2.7. recursion

> (defun my-member (obj lst)
     (if (null lst)
     (if (eql obj (car lst))
     (my-member obj (cdr lst)))))

2.8. reading lisp

read code by indentation, with an editor supporting matching parentheses.

2.9. input and output

(format arg1 arg2 args)

  • arg1 - where the output is to be printed - t - output is sent to default place, toplevel
  • arg2 - string template - ~A indicates a position to be filled, ~% is a newline
  • args - to be inserted into template
> (format t "~A plus ~A equals ~A.~%" 2 3 (+ 2 3))
2 plus 3 equals 5
NIL  ; returned by the call to format

2.10. variables

set allows to introduce new local variables

> (let ((*variable* *expression*) ... )

> (defun ask-number()
     (format t "please enter a number")
     (let ((var (read)))
        (if (numberp var)

give a symbol and a value to defparameter

or define global constants by defconstant

> (defparameter *glob* 99)
> (defconstant limit (+ *glob* 1))

> (boundp '*glob*)

2.11. assignment

> (setf *glob* 37)
> (let ((n 10))
     (setf n 2)
> (setf a b
        c d)  ; equals two assignments respectively

2.12. funcional programming

It means writing programs that work by returning values, instead of by modifying things, which is the dominant paradigm in Lisp.

> (setf lst '(a b c a d))
(A B C A D)
> (remove 'a lst)
(B C D)
> (setf lst (remove 'a lst))  ; the original lst remains untouched
(B C D)

2.13. iteration

> (defun show-squares (start end)
     (do ((i start (+ i 1)))  ; (variable initial update)
      ((> i 10) 'done)  ; (stop criteria, expression evaluated when stop)
      (format t "~A ~A~%" i (* i i))))  ; body of the loop

> (show-squares 2 4)
2 4
3 9
4 16
> (defun show-squares (i end)
     (if (> i end)
         (progn  ; evaluates expressions in order, return the value of last
             (format t "~A ~A~%" i (* i i))
             (show-squares (+ i 1) end))))

dolist takes an argument of the form (variable expression), followed by a body of expressions. The body will be evaluated with variable bound to successive elements of the list returned by expression

> (defun our-length (lst)
     (let ((len 0))
       (dolist (obj lst)  ; (variable expression
         (setf len (+ len 1)))  ; body of expressions
> (defun our-length (lst)
     (if (null lst)
         (+ (our-length (cdr lst)) 1)))

2.14. functions as objects

function that takes a function as an argument is apply

> (apply #'+ '(1 2 3))
> (apply #'+ 1 2 '(3 4 5))  ; any number of arguments, so long as the last is a list
; funcall does the same thing but does not need the arguments to be
packaged in a list
> (funcall #'+ 1 2 3)

> (funcall #'(lambda (x) (+ x 1))

2.15. types

cl types from a hierachy of subtypes and supertypes. 27 is of type fixnum, integer, rational, real, number, atom, and t, in order of increasing generality.

> (typep 27 'integer)

2.16. looking forward

So far we have barely scratched the surface of Lisp.

2.17. exercise

  1. describe what happens when the following expressions are evaluated

    • (+ (- 5 1) (+ 3 7)) ; 14
    • (list 1 (+ 2 3)) ; (1 5)
    • (if (listp 1) (+ 1 2) (+ 3 4)) ; 7
    • (list (and (listp 3) t) (+ 1 2)) ; (nil 3)
  2. give three distinct cons expressions that return (a b c)

    • (cons 'a '(b c))
    • (cons 'a (cons 'b '(c)))
    • I can't think of another solution...
  3. using car and cdr, define a function to return the fourth element of a list

    (defun my-fourth (lst)
       (car (cdr (cdr (cdr lst)))))
  4. define a function that takes two arguments and returns the greater of the two

    (defun my-greater (x y)
       (if (> x y)
  5. what do these functions do

    (defun enigma (x)
       (and (not (null x))
            (or (null (car x))
                (enigma (cdr x)))))
    ; if nil is in x
    (defun mystery (x y)
       (if (null y)
           (if (eql (car y) x)
           (let ((z (mystery x (cdr y))))
                (and z (+ z 1))))))
    ; count number of elements in y which differ x
  6. what could occur in place of the x in each of the following exchanges

    • > (car (car (cdr '(a (b c) d)))) B
    • > (or 13 (/ 1 0)) 13
    • > (apply #'list 1 nil) (1)
  7. using only operators introduced in this chapter, define a function that takes a list as an argument and returns true if one of its elements is a list

    (defun if-have-list (lst)
       (if (null lst)
         (if (listp (car lst))
           (if-have-list (cdr lst)))))
  8. give iterative and recursive definitions of a function that

    1. takes a positive integer and prints that many dots
    (defun print-dots-iteratively (x)
       (do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
           ((eql i x) 'done)
           (format t ".")
    (defun print-dots-recursively (x)
       (if (eql x 0)
              (format t ".")
              (print-dots-recursively (- x 1)))))
    1. takes a list and returns the number of times the symbol a occurs in it
    (defun a-interative-counter (lst)
        (let ((count 0))
           (dolist (obj lst)
              (if (eql obj 'a)
                 (setf count (+ count 1))))
    (defun a-recursive-counter (lst)
  9. a friend is trying to write a function that returns the sum of all the non-nil elements in a list. he has written two versions of this function, and neither of them work. explain what's wrong with each, and give a correct version

    1. (defun summit (lst)
         (remove nil lst)
         ; (setf lst (remove nil lst)) to update lst
         (apply #'+ lst))
    2. (defun summit (lst)
         (let ((x (car lst)))
            (if (null x)
                ; I strongly doubt here goes wrong
                ; (cdr last-element) is still nil
                ; so this is an infinite loop
                (summit (cdr lst))
                (+ x (summit (cdr lst))))))

3. Lists

3.1. conses

> (setf x (cons 'a nil))
> (setf y (list 'a 'b 'c))  ; flat list
> (setf z (list 'a (list 'b 'c) 'd))  ; nested list

(defun my-listp (x)
    (or (null x) (consp x)))

(defun my-atom (x)
    (not (consp x)))

nil is both an atom and list

3.2. equality

calling cons makes lisp allocate a piece of memory for two pointers, so calling cons twice generates two distinctly different objects.

> (eql (cons 'a nil) (cons 'a nil))

eql returns true only if the same object, and equal only needs printed result being same.